All employees are artists of change
Picasso said: "Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up".
Thus, we would be born to be creative, but life as we know it and responsibilities would disconnect us from our artistic side. Nevertheless, creativity is an imperative asset for a company to reach success, to innovate, to grow or to solve problems. But how can you stimulate you employees? creativity to improve their performance? Try artistic team building programs! It is about an innovative program for organizations that wish to develop the creativity of their administrators and staff. With activities like painting, handcrafting, ceramic, musical or physical expression, your employees learn to express themselves as a group in a creative way. You will notice that some refuse their creation to be bungled by a colleague, while others will notice in this teamwork a real way to increase the sense of belonging to the organization and the team.
Artistic team building is recommended to facilitate the integration of a group during a merger, to prepare a change, to improve the performance and the synergy of a team by strengthening its cohesion, to manage conflicts, stress and what?s unexpected, to increase the sense of belonging to the organization or the trust. There are as many possible interventions as there are problems and objectives in a company!
Art awakens the senses and awakes intuition. To use creativity at work is excellent for motivation, self-confidence and team spirit. A creative employee will bring new solutions for the good of the organization.
Written by :
Martin Latulippe, Maître Stratège
Team Building expert